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Other Properties

Open to public

The Rémy Mill

Built in 1825, the Rémy Mill is renowned for its production of premium organic flour.

For the 2024 season, it is open to visitors from 10 AM to 5 PM daily, from June 24 to September 4.

Guided tours are offered, and flour is available for purchase on-site.

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Closed to public

Lajoie Farm

The site is accessible as part of activities co-produced with the Musée de Charlevoix.

Summer 2023: Jully 15 À la soupe! Jully 29 Le grand ménage! September 2  De fil et d'aiguille

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Closed to public

Rose-Anna Farmstead

A traditional farm setting that captured the hearts and imaginations of viewers of the TV series Le temps d’une paix

The site is accessible as part of activities co-produced with the Musée de Charlevoix.

Join us for the three events we are organizing this summer: July 27th, August 10th, and August 31st ! Stay tuned for more details to come.

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Closed to public

Maison Bouchard-Simard

The bourgeois dream of an aspiring country gentleman

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